Own Your Wellbeing

Female specific strains of probiotics, which are beneficial microorganisms, can help restore and maintain a healthy microbial balance in the genitourinary tract. Studies have shown that improving the numbers of these probiotic strains in both the bowel and the genitourinary tract can be effective in treating and preventing recurrent UTIs, bacterial vaginosis, and thrush.

  • Cause

    Bacteria imbalance in the vagina leads to

    • Weak immunity
    • Toxin accumulation
    • Greater risk of BV
    • Vaginal Candidiasis
    • UTIs
    • dryness
    • discomfort during intercourse
    • dicharge
    • offensive smell
  • Who is affected?

    • 50% of women experience UTIs
    • 15% experience vaginal thrush
    • 20% of these women develop recurring infections

    It is critical to address the underlying cause of these infections - bacteria. The average medication may provide short-term relief, however without addressing the bacterial imbalance, infections are bound to resurface.

  • Solution

    Female specific strains of probiotics, which are beneficial microorganisms, can help restore and maintain a healthy microbial balance in the genitourinary tract. These probiotics, nutrients and prebiotics work by competing with harmful bacteria, promoting a healthier microbial environment in the genitourinary tract.