• The Stool Test

    Begin by diagnosing bacterial imbalances using our at-home test. Once your Microbiome has been evaluated, we can address the imbalance specific to your gut. This test identifies the exact bacterial surpluses and deficiencies that are causing your problems. Results will be sent to your GP.

    Begin The Stool Test.

    Note: If you would like to skip this step and begin the Repair-4 Program immediately, you may do so.

  • For IBS-Constipation Relief

    Struggling to have bowel movements or experiencing constipation? Address your Gut Microbiome to reclaim regular gut function using our 4-week program, formulated by a gastroenterologist.

    Begin IBS-C Repair-4.

  • For IBS-Diarrhoea Relief

    For over-active bowels and people experiencing diarrhoea. Address your Gut Microbiome to experience less frequent bowel movements and return your gut to a state of normal function. Our 4-week program has been formulated by a gastroenterologist.

    Begin IBS-D Repair-4.

How we fix the gut

A transparent approach to healthcare

Ingredients in The Repair-4

Repair-4 (Phase I)

  • Colostrum
  • Natural Extracts of pomegranate, wormwood, black walnut, Nigella, Myrrh
  • Natural extracts of phellodendron, clove, thyme oil, organo oil
  • Enzyme proteases, lipases, cinnamon, ellagic acid, cellulases, NAC

Repair-4 (Phase II)

  • resistant starch maltodextran
  • yeast extract
  • S boulardii, L. acidophilus, B. lactis Bi-07, L. rhamnosus
  • L plantarum, L rhamnosus, B breve, B coagulans
  • Digestive enzymes

Your Best Gut

The founder of the Repair-4 Program, Dr. Paul Froomes' Your Best Gut delves into the intricate relationship between our gut microbiome and overall health. The book explores how this often-overlooked organ influences everything from digestion and immunity to mental health and weight management. Froomes, a gastroenterologist with expertise in microbiome therapies, provides a comprehensive guide to understanding the gut, its role in various diseases, and practical steps to optimize gut health. With a blend of scientific knowledge and personal anecdotes, the book offers a clear and engaging exploration of this fascinating topic.

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